Kids Dinosaur Club Explores New Distribution Channels

Posted on February 17, 2013 by Troy Bausinger | 0 Comments

(Phoenix) Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club President Ptyler Pterodactyl took time out from his lecture tour to address the media regarding stories swirling about that the children's book club is considering new distribution channels.

"We've been contacted by Sanjay Syal, CEO and President of Blue Star Productions, who contacted me about entering into a retail/wholesale arrangement. Sanjay's nationally touring dino exhibit - Discover Dinosaurs -  is wonderful. He showed me around the show last week as it waas being held just outside Philadelphia and we discussed him carrying the T Rex Dino Box in all his expo stores. He plans to hold nearly 100 expos this year so we're excited to tell more children, parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents about our kids club featuring dinosaur toys and dinosaur books." 

No formal agreement has been executed but the deal would probably be structured as a standard wholesale/retail arrangement with T-Rex boxes traveling with the national dinosaur expo and Blue Star earning some commission on subsequent sales of Dino Boxes. Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club would share customer information collected to aid Blue Star's future promotions.

Pterodactyl plans to visit his alma mater, the Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University, while in town. "I'll visit with Dean Callahan and probably guest lecture a bit. I love getting out there and meeting those fresh faces. It's a lot different than looking at the fossils I usually see."

Posted in Arizona State University, aunts, Blue Star Productions, children, children's book club, Chris Callahan, commission, Cronkite School of Journalism, Dean Callahan, Dean Christopher Callahan, Dino Box, Dino Boxes, Dinosaur of the Month Club, Discover Dinosaurs, distribution channel, fossils., grandparents, kids, national dino expo, national dinosaur expo, parents, Philadelphia, Phoenix, promotions, Ptyler Pterodactyl, Sanjay Syal, T-Rex, touring dino exhibit, Tyrannosaurus Rex, uncles



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