Posted on May 10, 2015 by Troy Bausinger | 0 Comments
PHILADELPHIA - Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club President, Ptyler Pterodactyl, on his way to the Union League for lunch with associates, called an impromptu press conference to announce the attach some numbers to the fast-growing children's educational book club.
"I am please to announce that Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club has served it's 100th customer. A little boy in Saranac, Michigan, will be receiving his Dino Box soon. It's gratifying to know that parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles all over this great nation see the benefit of encouraging the children in their lives to read, learn and play using their imaginations all while discovering the fascinating world of dinosaurs."
A marketing intern handed a flyer to press representatives stating more impressive numbers. "Over the past three years, Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club customers average four Dino Boxes per transaction. That speaks to the quality and ingenuity of our product including the dinosaur toys, dinosaur books, collectible Dino Card, dinosaur stickers and the personalized items from Ptyler Pterodactyl, our founding president."
Posted in collectible Dino Card, Dino Box, dinosaur books, dinosaur stickers, dinosaur toys, Kids Dinsoaur of the Month Club, Philadelphia, Ptyler Pterdactyl, Ptyler Pterodactyl