New Dino Box featuring Baby Apatosaurus from Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club

Posted on November 27, 2013 by Troy Bausinger | 0 Comments

(PHILADELPHIA) Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club President, Ptyler Pterodactyl, announced from corporate headquarters that the fast-growing educational club for children will be adding its eighth Dino Box. The new Dino Box will feature Baby Apatosaurus and will include a collectible Dino Card, educational books, stickers and a high-quality dinosaur figurine.


"We're had this ready to go for several months but we wanted to roll it out just before the holidays, said Ptyler Pterodactyl. "And there are more coming here in pretty short order in conjunction with the new BBC dinosaur movie being released this December. Lots more exciting stuff on the horizon for Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club."

Posted in Baby Apatosaurus, BBC dinosaur movie, collectible Dino Card, Dino Box, Dino Card, dinosaur figurine, Kids Dinosaur of the Month Club, Ptlyer Pterodactyl


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